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Javascript Hover selector

With the Javascript Hover Selector it is possible to trigger an mouse effect e.g. if the mouse "enters" the DOM-element or "leaves" it.

We are using two Javascript functions onmouseover which triggers the mouse entering the Dom-element and (onmouseout) if the user leaves the DOM-element with the mouse. The two functions are called showtext() and hidetext(). It is essential to address the right DOM-element. With document.getElementById the Element is selected which should be manipulated.

The Javascript part:

     function showtext() {
          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = Date();

     function hidetext() {
          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "hover to show the date here";


The DOM-element, which should be manipulated must have the corresponding ID (here demo). The element in this tutorial is a Div we are manipulating by Hovering the mouse over it.
<div style = "..." id = "demo" onmouseover="showtext()" onmouseout="hidetext()" width="32" height="32">
     hover to show the date here

If the mouse is Hovering over the Div, the Javascript function onmouseover writes the current date into the Div with the ID demo

here an Inline-Demo:
hover to show the date here

And a single page with the content described above:
example page