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JS - functions

guess the number

We will write a small function in Javascript(JS) which will process a (given) number. The goal of our little "game" will be to input a number (guess one) and the function will determine if the input number matches a number (which should be guessed).

The function will return if the we guessed right or if the guessed number is too low or to high.

The function called guessNumber() takes the number from the form Form1. Form1 is the name of the form in the body. The input number is addressed with parseFloat(document.Form1.txtNumber.value) where txtNumber addresses the input field name (in the form Form1). This data recieved is a string and with parseFloat() the string will be transformed into a float so that we can use the compare-operator(to determine if the input number is our guessed one! This number is stored in the variable Number

After that the function will determine if we found our number(or it is too high/low). Depending on the case - the value output belonging to Form1 will be written with the result (document.Form1.output.value).

          <script type = "text/javascript">

               function guessNumber()
                    var Number = parseFloat(document.Form1.txtNumber.value);

                    if (Number < 100)
                         document.Form1.output.value = "the number is too small";
                    else if (Number > 100)
                         document.Form1.output.value = "the number is too big";
                         document.Form1.output.value = "guessed!";




          <form method = "get" name = "Form1">
               input number:
               <input type = "text" name = "txtNumber"></input>
               <input type = "button" value = "guess" onclick = "guessNumber()"></input>
               <input type = "text" name = "output"></input>


The function itself will be called by an onClick-Event(pressed button): onclick = "guessNumber()". We picked 100 for the number which should be guessed.

online-Demo: guess the number